Philippe Hezaine wrote:> Grammostola Rosea a écrit :> >> Hi,>>>> I want to write drum score in lilypond, export it to midi and play that >> with a sequencer.>> Which programs are the best for this? Muse, Rosegarden, Qtractor? >> Linuxsampler (gigedit) or specimen?>>>> How does the mapping work? The sequencers do use standard midi >> percussion maps...(?)>>>> Here is one:>>>> Key 35 is that key 35 on a 88 keys piano from left to right?>> so key 35 is G3?>>>> Thanks in advance,>>>>>> _______________________________________________>> Linux-audio-user mailing list>> Linux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>>>>>>> > I forward to the list the previous question you send me in a private mail:> >> Hi,>>>> I like to write drums in Lilypond. But how can I play it with >> >> for example hydrogen? How do I match a hi-hat in the score with>> a hi-hat in the drummachine? How do you do it?> >> Thanks in advance,>> >> Hi,>> I'll answer to you, but wait a moment, i'm in a hurry for now.> (And also my English takes quite a while)>>> I made some progress, I think this answers my question about mapping: *Note # * *Note Name * *Drum Sound * 35 B2 Acoustic Bass Drum 36 C3 Bass Drum 1 37 Db3/C#3 Side Stick 38 D3 Acoustic Snare 39 Eb3/D#3 Hand Clap 40 E3 Electric Snare 41 F3 Low Floor Tom 42 Gb3/F#3 Closed Hi-Hat 43 G3 High Floor Tom 44 Ab3/G#3 Pedal Hi-Hat 45 A3 Low Tom 46 Bb3/A#3 Open Hi-Hat 47 B3 Low-Mid Tom 48 C4 Hi-Mid Tom 49 Db4/C#4 Crash Cymbal 1 50 D4 High Tom 51 Eb4/D#4 Ride Cymbal 1 52 E4 Chinese Cymbal 53 F4 Ride Bell 54 Gb4/F#4 Tambourine 55 G4 Splash Cymbal 56 Ab4/G#4 Cowbell 57 A4 Crash Symbol 2 58 Bb4/A#4 Vibraslap *Note # * *Note Name * *Drum Sound * 59 B4 Ride Cymbal 2 60 C5 (middle C) Hi Bongo 61 Db5/C#5 Low Bongo 62 D5 Mute Hi Conga 63 Eb5/D#5 Open Hi Conga 64 E5 Low Conga 65 F5 High Timbale 66 Gb5/F#5 Low Timbale 67 G5 High Agogo 68 Ab5/G#5 Low Agogo 69 A5 Cabasa 70 Bb5/A#5 Maracas 71 B5 Short Whistle 72 C6 Long Whistle 73 Db6/D#6 Short Guiro 74 D6 Long Guiro 75 Eb6/D#6 Claves 76 E6 Hi Wood Block 77 F6 Low Wood Block 78 Gb6/F#6 Mute Cuica 79 G6 Open Cuica 80 Ab6/G#6 Mute Triangle 81 A6 Open Triangle 82 Bb6/A#6 Shaker _______________________________________________Linux-audio-user mailing listLinux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://