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Anyone use sndpeek on gentoo? I'm on amd64 and it compiled fine. But,
it doesn't want to start at all. Just Seg faults after printing the

# # sndpeek test.wav
sndpeek + wutrfall (1.3b)
Ge Wang, Perry R. Cook, Ananya Misra
'h' - print this help message
'p' - print current settings to console
's' - toggle fullscreen
'f' - freeze frame! (can still rotate/scale)
'1' - toggle waveform display
'2' - toggle lissajous display
'3' - (also 'w') toggle wutrfall display
'4' - toggle feature extraction (broken)
'd' - toggle dB plot for spectrum
'r' - toggle rainbow waterfall
'b' - toggle waterfall moving backwards/forwards
'x' - restart file playback (if applicable)
'p' - print current settings to terminal
'm' - mute
'j' - move spectrum + z
'k' - move spectrum - z
'u' - spacing more!
'i' - spacing less!
L, R mouse button - rotate left or right
'[', ']' - rotate up or down
'-' - scale DOWN the spectrum
'=' - scale UP the spectrum
(shift)'-' - scale DOWN the waveform
(shift)'=' - scale UP the waveform
'c' = LOWER log factor of spectrum display
'v' = RAISE log factor of spectrum display
      (log factor of 1.0 is linear display
(shift)'c' - LOWER amount of viewable waveform
(shift)'v' - RAISE amount of viewable waveform
'l' - scale DOWN the lissajous!
'L' - scale UP the lissajous!
'y' - decrease delay for lissajous plot
'Y' - increase delay for lissajous plot
'q' - quit

[sndpeek]: opening test.wav...
[sndpeek]: setting sample rate to 48000
Segmentation fault

It segfaults even with no args.

Brad Fuller
Linux-audio-user mailing list

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