El Viernes, 14 de Marzo de 2008 10:05, Jorge Salgueiro escribió: | ---------- Forwarded message ---------- | From: schoappied <schoappied@xxxxxxxxx> | Date: 13/03/2008 19:42 | Subject: Re: kernel needed | To: Josh Lawrence <hardbop200@xxxxxxxxx> | Cc: A list for linux audio users | <linux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> | | Josh Lawrence wrote: | > All, | > | > I'm trying the list one more time in the hopes that someone | > might have missed this the first time... | > | > I've been attempting to compile a .deb kernel that has these | > attributes (patches/modules): | > | > * rt-preempt | > * squashfs | > * aufs As far as i knew, it was not possible to any kernel hacker to build a kernel using these 3 softwares. | > ...and have failed miserably, many many times. I'm hoping that | > some of the liveCD devs on this list might have one already done | > that they could share with me. If you do, please let me know. | > | > Again, *very* sorry for posting this a second time, I'm just | | desperate. :) Why are you so desperated? | | | | Make one yourself with a little help... | http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=17035&sid=1b174c3e2fd0bae |9ded46cc88a076d85 | | Use the musix repo, and install with apt-get or the synaptic: | | # Repositorios de Musix GNU+Linux /etc/apt/sources.list | deb ftp://musix.ourproject.org/pub/musix/deb/ ./ | # Musix-testing | # deb ftp://musix.ourproject.org/pub/musix/deb-testing/ ./ They did not use squashfs (for now!), these kernels use cloop | And for unstable/ sidux: | | http://sidux.com/index.php?module=pnWikka&tag=Audiostudio Interesting, I will check it out! traslated from german Texto traducido de forma automática:sidux als Audio Workstation 1.) Der rt-Kernel Um sidux als Realtime-Audio-Studio zu verwenden, ist ein Kernel mit Realtime-Preemtion, ein rt-Kernel, erforderlich. Daran arbeitet Ingo Molnar mit seinem rt-Patch. viele der Funktionen aus diesem Patch sind inzwischen Teil des offiziellen Linux-Kernels. Doch leider ist noch nicht alles integriert, so dass auch weiterhin ein Patch erforderlich ist. Für Interessierte: http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/projects/rt/∞; Einen fertigen rt-Kernel für sidux gibt es auf: http://maledivenhilfe.com/makke/kernel/∞; Dort sind die jeweilig aktuellen slh-Kernel + rt-Patch, gepatcht und gepackt von makke (Danke makke). 2.) Die Konfiguration Um die Realtime-Preemtion als User zu nutzen, muss die Datei /etc/security/limits.conf (als root) editiert werden: @audio - rtprio 90 @audio - nice -5 @audio - memlock 750000 Dieser Eintrag gibt den Mitgliedern der Gruppe "audio" das Recht Anwendungen mit rt-Priorität zu starten (die höchste ist 99 und sollte irq's (Timer,Soundkarte...) vorbehalten bleiben). Der nice-level wird um 5 erhöht (bzw. erniedrigt, also nicer) und 750MB Speicher können von der Anwendung "geblockt" werden (d.h. er steht exklusiv für die Anwendung zur Verfügung). Diesen Wert solltest du deiner Hardware anpassen! Der aktuell eingestellte memlock-Wert kann mit dem Befehl ulimit -l auslesen werden. Außerdem musst du natürlich Mitglied in der Gruppe "audio" sein, was du per default bei sidux bist. Das kannst du mit dem Befehl id überprüfen. Es ist auch möglich hier statt der Grupe audio direkt einem User die rt-rechte einzuräumen, wenn du statt audio den usernamen einträgst. PAM muß neu gestartet werden damit die Einstellungen wirksam werden. do you want more ? Sidux as audio workstation 1) The rt-kernel To sidux as real-time audio studio, is a kernel with real-time Preemtion, a rt-kernel. That works Ingo Molnar with his rt-patch. Many of the features in this patch are now part of the official Linux kernel. But unfortunately, not all integrated, so that remains a patch is necessary. For those interested:Http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/projects/rt/ ∞ A final rt-kernel for sidux are:Http://maledivenhilfe.com/makke/kernel/ ∞ There are the respective current slh kernel + rt-patch, patch and gripped by makke (Thanks makke). 2) The configuration To view the real-time Preemtion as user to use, the file / etc / security / limits.conf (as root) edited: @ Audio - rtprio 90@ Audio - nice -5@ Audio - memlock 750000 This article gives the members of the group "audio" applications with the right rt priority to start (the highest is 99 and should irq's (timer, sound card ...) reserved). The nice-level will increase by 5 (or humiliated, so nicer), and 750MB memory from the application can "block" (ie he is exclusively for the application available). This value should you adapt your hardware! The current set memlock value can be created with the command ulimit-l read.In addition, you must of course a member of the group "audio", which by default when you sidux are. What you can use the command id. It is also possible here instead of the Grupe audio directly to a user rt-right should, if you place the user audio appearance. PAM has to be restarted for the settings to take effect. ................ http://maledivenhilfe.com/makke/kernel/experimental/linux-sidux-2.6_2.6.24-17rt_i386.changes * Added -rt3-patch * Removed unionfs (still no support) * -rt3 already includes: - - As far as I know, this kernel will not work into a Live CD because it does not uses unionfs, but maybe it uses aufs. | Hope it will help you.. | | Dirk | | | | | _______________________________________________ | Linux-audio-user mailing list | Linux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-user -- `&' # Marcos Guglielmetti, co-director de # Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre para artistas _#_ http://www.musix.org.ar (#) / O \ + archivos: ftp://musix.ourproject.org/pub/musix ; ( === ) Ecología: http://autosus2.wordpress.com `---' Personal: http://marcospcmusica.wordpress.com Bender: "En nombre de todo lo que es bueno y es lógico, damos las gracias por ésta energía química que vamos a absorber. Según el profeta jerimático: 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1... ¡¡ 2 !! Amén." http://es.wikiquote.org/wiki/Futurama_______________________________________________Linux-audio-user mailing listLinux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-user