Am Mittwoch, den 30.01.2008, 21:46 +0900 schrieb '2+: > excuse me ... forgot to fill out the subject .. > > did a dist-upgrade for UbuntuHardyAlpha3 last weekend > and the RT kernel became a bit older than the generic one > was using the system as CUI but since the setup for awesome went okay > also installed emacs-snapshot-nox and supercollider > even though ChucK works fine with jackd > when i do > emacs -sclang > and try to boot the server > it returns > > JackDriver couldn't connect alsa_pcm:capture_1 to SuperCollider:in_1 > JackDriver couldn't connect alsa_pcm:capture_2 to SuperCollider:in_2 > JackDriver couldn't connect SuperCollider:out_1 to alsa_pcm:playback_1 > JackDriver couldn't connect SuperCollider:out_2 to alsa_pcm:playback_2 > I had this problem, too... Seems like jackd changed the default naming scheme of the out- and inputs. It's now system:capture_1/2 and system:playback_1/2 instead of the old sound-architecture-specific alsa_pcm/oss/etc. Sc assumes the old naming so you could just set the connections yourself using qjackctl or you could add this or create ~/ with "SC_JACK_DEFAULT_INPUTS".setenv( "system:capture_1," "system:capture_2" ); "SC_JACK_DEFAULT_OUTPUTS".setenv( "system:playback_1," "system:playback_2" ); > i wonder what is wrong > > i have to always install the brand new RT kernel manually? > > snapshot version of emacs-nox is not okay? > (purging that version and installing 21 or 22 results into no > emacs-nox existing) > > HardyAlpha3 seems to have pulseaudio enabled as default > this has something to do with the error? Yes, this could also be possible, thus turning alsa_pcm to pulseaudio_pcm or something like this (assuming ubuntu uses a jack version prior to the naming scheme change) then just change to something according... HTH, hb _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx