Re: [ANN] ams-guitrack_RC1 virtual guitaramp

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well it sounds pretty cool. I played some old tunes on my strat and I really like the tone. But i would personally insert another module right before connecting to the PCM out:

I would take the reverb output and connect the left input into the AMS- delay plugin, set it to 20 ms or so and then connect the delay output to the left channel of an AMS stereo mixer and the right reverb output directly to the right AMS stereo mixer input. Last step: Pan the channels to -0.7 and +0.7. This produces a wider sound. Some more reverb and then its time to play
Purple Haze and burn the strat.

Check out the attachement if you're interested.

Mit freundlichem Gruß,
Sebastian Tschöpel.

Hartmut Noack wrote:
Hash: SHA1


Many folks from the computer-audio-scene say, that they cannot find an
application for Linux to act as a virtual guitar-amp. Of course we know,
that one can build such a beast easily from modules but ti ease the
effort for all thos, that simply want to plug and play, I made up a
patch for alsa modular synth called ams-guitrack, get it here:

1.) start jackd with qjackctl
2.) start ams
3.) load the patch ams-guitrack_RC1.ams and open View/Parameter View
4.) connect alsa_pcm_in with ams_in and ams_out with alsa_pcm_out
5.) connect your guitar and adjust the gain-settings in the parameter-view

for me this gives the results I would expect from a middle-class-
Marshall-Stack with a 19"-MultiFX involved.
The patch is being used in my recent recording-experiment: (in German) (paper for LAC
2008 in English)

The guitarists in the project(so-called "musicians" - not the faintest
knowledge in computers, let alone Linux....) like the patch a lot,
especially because you get exactly what you hear as you play on the
track in Ardour. And because the patch reacts to some extent like a real
amp... If everything is set just right, you can control distortion by
turning the volume-knob on the guitar ;-)

A short, not-so-perfectly well played, unpolished and thus by far not
recommendable but still cc/share-alike/attribution-licenced demo can be
found here:

If unbearable hiss/noise spoils the party try to fiddle with the
gain/threshold/ratio-faders of the compressor-section in tab CAPS-AMP of
the Parameter-View.
You can also store your own presets here - since I strongly abhor from
such vices as factory-presets, I got only 2 very basic ones in the patch

Of course the patch depends on other software, first on ams and on the
LADSPA-Modules from the CAPS-Collection - thanks a lot to all its devs!!!

enjoy, and as always: any comments are welcome :-)

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Module 17 1 4 159 0 0
FSlider 1 0 14765 0 0 16384 1
FSlider 1 1 13405 0 0 16384 1
FSlider 1 2 0 0 0 16384 1
Module 7 2 1111 330 0 0
ColorP 0 0 2 17 250 200 50 180 180 180
ColorP 1 1 2 17 250 200 50 180 180 180
FSlider 2 0 3062 0 0 16384 1
FSlider 2 1 2069 0 0 16384 1
FSlider 2 2 1903 0 0 16384 1
ComboBox 2 0 1 1
Module 8 3 41 19 2 0
FSlider 3 0 20852 0 0 32768 1
FSlider 3 1 12578 0 0 32768 1
FSlider 3 2 12909 0 0 32768 1
Module 6 4 215 115 0 caps AmpV
ColorP 0 0 4 7 250 200 50 169 172 195
FSlider 4 0 41007 0 0 49152 1
FSlider 4 1 -8499 0 -147456 147456 1
FSlider 4 2 7555 0 0 16384 1
FSlider 4 3 13126 0 1 16384 1
FSlider 4 4 989060 0 81920 2457600 1
Module 6 5 213 243 0 caps CabinetII
ColorP 0 0 5 11 250 200 50 169 172 195
FSlider 5 0 114529 0 -393216 393216 1
LSlider 5 0 5 1
Module 6 6 478 25 0 caps ChorusI
ColorP 0 0 6 5 250 200 50 169 172 195
FSlider 6 0 15011 1 15011 60437 1
FSlider 6 1 8429 0 8192 163840 1
FSlider 6 2 11761 0 0 81920 1
FSlider 6 3 16384 0 0 16384 1
FSlider 6 4 16384 0 0 16384 1
FSlider 6 5 652 0 0 16384 1
Module 6 7 214 38 0 caps Eq
ColorP 0 0 7 1 250 200 50 169 172 195
FSlider 7 0 175075 0 -786432 491520 1
FSlider 7 1 -60602 0 -786432 491520 1
FSlider 7 2 144116 0 -786432 491520 1
FSlider 7 3 -336106 0 -786432 491520 1
FSlider 7 4 175075 0 -786432 491520 1
FSlider 7 5 -110234 0 -786432 491520 1
FSlider 7 6 150319 0 -786432 491520 1
FSlider 7 7 -41994 0 -786432 491520 1
FSlider 7 8 38654 0 -786432 491520 1
FSlider 7 9 0 0 -786432 491520 1
Module 6 8 516 350 0 caps Plate
ColorP 0 0 8 9 250 200 50 169 172 195
FSlider 8 0 81 0 81 16367 1
FSlider 8 1 0 0 0 12271 1
FSlider 8 2 8 0 8 16384 1
FSlider 8 3 5379 0 0 16384 1
Module 8 9 761 111 4 0
ColorP 0 0 9 13 250 200 50 169 172 195
ColorP 1 0 9 12 250 200 50 169 172 195
ColorP 2 0 9 14 250 200 50 169 172 195
ColorP 3 0 9 5 250 200 50 169 172 195
FSlider 9 0 7613 0 0 32768 1
FSlider 9 1 0 0 0 32768 1
FSlider 9 2 0 0 0 32768 1
FSlider 9 3 0 0 0 32768 1
FSlider 9 4 30323 0 0 32768 1
Module 6 11 214 179 0 caps Compress
ColorP 0 0 11 4 250 200 50 169 172 195
FSlider 11 0 87255 0 0 393216 1
FSlider 11 1 17021 0 16384 163840 1
FSlider 11 2 16 0 16 16384 1
FSlider 11 3 1714 0 16 16384 1
FSlider 11 4 -24552 0 -491520 6553600 1
FSlider 11 5 57110 0 16384 163840 1
Module 6 12 480 113 0 caps PhaserII
ColorP 0 0 12 5 250 200 50 169 172 195
FSlider 12 0 4867 0 0 16384 1
FSlider 12 1 16384 0 0 16384 1
FSlider 12 2 16384 0 0 25735 1
FSlider 12 3 12572 0 0 16367 1
Module 6 13 505 51 0 giant_flange_1437 giantFlange
ColorP 0 0 13 6 250 200 50 169 172 195
FSlider 13 0 16384 0 0 16384 1
FSlider 13 1 16384 0 0 491520 1
FSlider 13 2 13391 0 0 172032 1
FSlider 13 3 16384 0 0 491520 1
FSlider 13 4 8275 0 0 172032 1
FSlider 13 5 -22712 0 -1638400 1638400 1
FSlider 13 6 0 0 0 16384 1
Module 6 14 481 176 0 am_pitchshift_1433 amPitchshift
ColorP 0 0 14 5 250 200 50 169 172 195
FSlider 14 0 22711 1 -22712 22712 1
LSlider 14 0 2 1
Module 4 16 794 287 0 0
ColorP 0 0 16 8 250 200 50 180 180 180
FSlider 16 0 926 0 0 163840 1
Module 32 17 933 333 2 0
ColorP 0 0 17 16 250 200 50 180 180 180
ColorP 1 1 17 8 250 200 50 180 180 180
FSlider 17 0 0 1 -150902 37725 1
FSlider 17 1 0 1 -150902 11356 1
FSlider 17 2 -12504 0 -16384 16384 1
FSlider 17 3 0 1 -150902 11356 1
FSlider 17 4 12695 0 -16384 16384 1
CheckBox 17 0 0 1
CheckBox 17 1 0 1
CheckBox 17 2 0 1
CheckBox 17 3 0 1
Tab "input"
Tab "Cabinet"
Tab "FX-settings"
Frame "input-settings" 0
Parameter "Gain ID 1" 1 0 0 16384 0
Parameter "Volume 1 ID 1" 1 1 0 16384 0
Parameter "Volume 2 ID 1" 1 2 0 16384 0
Parameter "63 Hz EQ-ID 7" 7 1 -786432 491520 0
Parameter "125 Hz EQID 7" 7 2 -786432 491520 0
Parameter "250 Hz EQ ID 7" 7 3 -786432 491520 0
Parameter "500 Hz EQ ID 7" 7 4 -786432 491520 0
Parameter "1 kHz EQ ID 7" 7 5 -786432 491520 0
Parameter "4 kHz EQ ID 7" 7 7 -786432 491520 0
Frame "AMP-in" 1
Parameter "gain ID 4" 4 0 0 49152 0
Parameter "drive ID 4" 4 3 1 16384 0
Parameter "watts ID 4" 4 4 81920 2457600 0
Parameter "tone ID 4" 4 2 0 16384 0
Parameter "bass ID 4" 4 1 -147456 147456 0
Parameter "gain (dB) Comp ID 11" 11 0 0 393216 0
Parameter "threshold (dB) ID 11" 11 4 -491520 6553600 0
Parameter "ratio (1:n) ID 11" 11 1 16384 163840 0
Parameter "release (s) ID 11" 11 3 16 16384 0
Frame "Cabinet" 2
Parameter "gain (dB) ID 5" 5 1 -393216 393216 0
Parameter "model ID 5" 5 0 
Frame "FX" 3
Parameter "Flanger Volume ID 9" 9 1 0 32768 0
Parameter "Phaser Volume 1 ID 9" 9 2 0 32768 0
Parameter "Pitch-Shifter Volume 2 ID 9" 9 3 0 32768 0
Parameter "Main Volume 3 ID 9" 9 4 0 32768 0
Parameter "Pitch shift ID 14" 14 0 -22711 22711 1
Parameter "Plate- bandwidth ID 8" 8 0 81 16367 0
Parameter "Plate damp ID 8" 8 2 8 16384 0
Parameter "Plate tail ID 8" 8 1 0 12271 0
Parameter "Plate blend ID 8" 8 3 0 16384 0
Frame "Flanger" 3
Parameter "Delay 1 (s) ID 13" 13 2 0 172032 0
Parameter "Delay 2 (s) ID 13" 13 4 0 172032 0
Parameter "Double delay ID 13" 13 0 0 16384 0
Parameter "Feedback ID 13" 13 5 -1638400 1638400 0
Parameter "Chorus rate (Hz) ID 6" 6 2 0 81920 0
Parameter "Chorus t (ms) ID 6" 6 0 15010 60436 1
Parameter "Chorus width (ms) ID 6" 6 1 8192 163840 0
Parameter "Chorus feedback ID 6" 6 5 0 16384 0
Parameter "Chorus feedforward ID 6" 6 4 0 16384 0
Parameter "Chorus blend ID 6" 6 3 0 16384 0
Frame "Phaser" 3
Parameter "depth ID 12" 12 1 0 16384 0
Parameter "feedback ID 12" 12 3 0 16367 0
Parameter "rate ID 12" 12 0 0 16384 0
Parameter "spread ID 12" 12 2 0 25735 0
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Program 0 1714
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Program 0 5
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Program 0 30323
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Program 1 19571
Program 1 1714
Program 1 114529
Program 1 5
Program 1 0
Program 1 0
Program 1 0
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Program 1 43008
Program 1 0
Program 1 0
Program 1 0
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Program 1 13391
Program 1 8275
Program 1 19106
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Program 1 6707
Program 1 8429
Program 1 652
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Program 2 14765
Program 2 13405
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Program 2 -60602
Program 2 144116
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Program 2 41007
Program 2 15747
Program 2 1317684
Program 2 7256
Program 2 42919
Program 2 78643
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Program 2 19571
Program 2 1714
Program 2 114529
Program 2 5
Program 2 0
Program 2 0
Program 2 0
Program 2 30323
Program 2 43008
Program 2 0
Program 2 0
Program 2 0
Program 2 5379
Program 2 13391
Program 2 8275
Program 2 19106
Program 2 -22712
Program 2 11761
Program 2 6707
Program 2 8429
Program 2 6113
Program 2 70159
Program 2 37722
Program 2 34390
Program 2 12572
Program 2 4867
Program 2 16384
PresetName "(null)"
PresetName "(null)"
PresetName "(null)"
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