Victor Roetman wrote:
The question I have is whether I should be recording 24 bit audio at
44.1 kHz or at 48 kHz if the end result will be Compact Disk audio.
I'm not an expert on this, but:
CD audio is 44.1kHz/16bit
If you record at anything else, you will have to downsample.
seems that some pro-audio equipment tends to prefer 48 kHz, and many
people do their recording at 48 kHz. The heart of the question is this:
Will the slight slight increase in quality of recording and mixing at 48
kHz outweigh the slight reduction in quality from re-sampling 48 kHz to
44.1 kHz?
How about if the project was also using loops recorded at 44.1 kHz? If
the Ardour project is at 48 kHz, the loops would need to be up-sampled,
and then the whole thing down-sampled again to 44.1 on export. Would
that up-down sampling offset any benefit of using 48 kHz in the first place?
Probably, at a guess. You really want to organise things so you only
have to downsample once, as the final stage of mastering as I understand
it. This process is analogous to resizing a bitmap, you want to do all
the composition work at the highest resolution and try to avoid
resampling as much as possible.
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