Re: How much does my new SB Extigy suck and why?

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Bearcat M. Sandor wrote:

Strange that they'd use one set of drivers for the front and rear. Huh. I try to keep my volume down at those levels too and it does seem to make a difference. Can you explain why we seem to have 2 "Master" sliders and 2 "Line-In" sliders?

Strangely enough, i was so distressed by the sound yesterday that i took it out of the system and re-introduced my Nvidia chip-set ("Hi, Nvidia meet my Carver amp. Again."), When i listened to it carefully it only sounded a little better, but more to the point the smoke damage was showing again with channel drop-outs.

So i re-reintroduced the SB ("Hey SB meet my Carver amp. Again." Carver: "Will you quit talking to me?! I'm just trying to sit here an hum by myself"). I recompiled my kernel and alsa-libs and fired it up. It actually sounded OK. Then i played a track through mplayer with a switch of -srate 48000 and it sounded better still.

Hmmm.... Now I think I recall something. It's rather vaige, but might be a clue:

On the SBLive, the sound was awful (kinda like you describe it), after I'd first install Linux. According to something I found on google, I had to switch off some tone controller in the mixer. Not shure if it showes up in the standard gnome/kde/etc mixers, but try with alsamixer or alsamixergui to see all of the controls. As far as I remember it was a switch with needed to be turned off, not a slidebar. And it had something to do with tone control (bass/treble). The problem had to do with the bass/treble being at max by default, as far as I recall.

Hope this can give you a clue..

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