[LAU] OT: SBCM'2007: one month to submission deadline

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Apologies for cross-posting.

This is generally a nice conference (and an opportunity to visit Brazil).
Sao Paulo is a great city to visit.



11th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music
September 1-3 2007
São Paulo - Brazil

The Symposium

The Brazilian symposia on computer music have consolidated the significance of
Brazil's international position in the field of Computer Music. The 11th
Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music is organized by NUCOM, the computer
music branch of the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC), and it will be held
in São Paulo from September 1st to 3rd, 2007.

During the symposium there will be speeches by renowned researchers, technical
and music paper sessions, discussion panels, and concerts. Researchers,
scientists, composers, educators, manufacturers, and all concerned with the
interplay between music and technology are invited to submit work. The program
will include, among others, a keynote speech and a workshop by Roger B.
Dannenberg (Carnegie-Mellon University, USA).

The program committee will give a prize for the best student papers presented
at SBCM. Papers that have a student as a major author are eligible. Two awards
will be given: one for the best technical paper and another for the best music

General Chairs:              Fabio Kon (University of São Paulo)
                             Fernando Iazzetta (University of São Paulo)
Technical Papers Chair:      Geber Ramalho (Federal University of Pernambuco)
Music Papers Chair:          Mikhail Malt (IRCAM/Sorbonne-Paris IV)
Local Arrangements Chair:    Marcelo Queiroz (University of São Paulo)

June   3rd     Full papers and posters submissions due
July   15th    Full papers and posters notification of acceptance
July   30th    Camera-ready version of papers and posters due

The topics to be covered include, but are not limited to
. Acoustics, Diffusion, Sonorization
. Artificial Intelligence
. Artificial Life and Evolutionary Music Systems
. Audio Hardware design
. Audio Digital Signal Processing
. Computer-Aided Music Analysis
. Computer-Aided Musical Education
. Computer-Aided Musicology
. Distributed Music
. Internet and Web Applications
. Multimedia Systems and Applications
. Music Data Structures and Representation
. Music Information Retrieval
. Music Notation, Printing, and Optical Recognition
. Quality of Service for Audio
. Psychoacoustics and Cognitive Modeling
. Real-time Interactive Systems
. Software Systems and Languages for Composition
. Sound Synthesis

Technical Program committee
Adolfo Maia Jr.           Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Aluizio Arcela            Universidade de Brasilia
Andrew Horner             The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Chris Chafe               Stanford University
Edilson Ferneda           Universidade Católica de Brasília
Eduardo Miranda           University of Plymouth
Emilios Cambouropoulous   Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Fabio Kon                 Universidade de São Paulo
Flávio Soares Silva       Universidade de São Paulo
François Pachet           Sony Computer Science Laboratory
Gérard Assayag            IRCAM
Geber Ramalho             Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Giordano Cabral           Université Paris 6
Henkjan Honing            University of Amsterdam
Hugo de Paula             PUC Minas
Ian Whalley               University of Waikato
Jean-Pierre Briot         CNRS - Université Paris 6 & PUC-Rio
Jonatas Manzolli          Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Lelio Camilleri           University of Bologna
Luis Jure                 Universidad de la República
Marcelo Pimenta           Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Marcelo Queiroz           Universidade de São Paulo
Marcelo Wanderley         McGill University
Marcio Brandao            Universidade de Brasilia
Maurício Loureiro         Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Oscar Di Liscia           Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Palle Dahlstedt           Göteborg University/Chalmers Univ. of Technology
Peter Beyls               Hogeschool Gent
Petri Toiviainen          University of Jyvaskyla
Regis R. A. Faria         Universidade de São Paulo
Roger Dannenberg          Carnegie Mellon University
Rosa Viccari              Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Sever Tipei               University of Illinois School of Music
Victor Lazzarini          National University of Ireland

Music Papers Program Committee
Mikhail Malt (chair)    IRCAM/Sorbonne-Paris IV
Alexandre Lunsqui       Columbia University, NY -USA
Fernando Iazzetta       Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Jonathas Manzoli        UNICAMP, Brazil
Karim Haddad            IIRCAM, Paris-France
Daniel Teruggi          Ina-GRM, Paris- France
Marc Battier            Sorbonne-Paris IV, France
Martin Supper           Berlin University of the Arts, Germany

Papers Submission
Papers must be submitted in PDF format via the JEMS online system
Technical papers, up to 12 pages long, are supposed to present original
research with scientific contributions. Music papers, up to 12 pages long,
describe the experience of composers and users of computational tools to
produce music. Extended abstracts of posters, up to 4 pages long, should present
on-going research. Please carefully comply with instructions in publication
templates. Papers which do not fulfill the requirements can not be published.
Download files for manuscript preparation in accordance with the SBC guidelines
from http://gsd.ime.usp.br/sbcm/2007/templates

In order to get the paper published, it is required that at least one author
register for the symposium by August 1st.

More Information

For further information, please visit the symposium home page at
For questions regarding the technical papers, contact Geber Ramalho
(glr at cin.ufpe.br), for music papers, contact Mikhail Malt
(Mikhail.Malt at ircam.fr). For other inquiries contact the symposium general
chairs Fernando Iazzetta (iazzetta at usp.br) or Fabio Kon
(kon at ime.usp.br).

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

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