And a rough tanslation of a mail from a Peter P., just to have it all in one thread, as a base for discussions. -- Good that you take on this weakspot of every DAW - Do you export once in the end, or do you do tests in between? Both, both should be possible as you know a project is never finished - Do you work with stereo and/or multi-channel? To exchange projects with others, it's very important to be able to export a session to several .wav files of the same length - What are your targets: CD, DVD, Web? Mainly CD. For DVD you can render 6 separate tracks, everything else will be done at authoring. - File-types: WAV, Flac, Ogg, MP3? WAV, ogg - Bits and sampling rates you need? The usual: 44.1 and 48 KHz, 16 bit - Do you or would you like to export to several formats at once? If yes, which exactly? No, that's definitively no necessary as you can do that super-fast with shell-apps like oggenc and flac. Much more important is exporting several tracks at once. - Do you know of outstanding solutions in any application? No, honestly not. That makes even more important to tackle this problem. - What problems do you run into? Manual muting of single tracks to export them one by one (see above) --- Thanks to all who responded. Additional input is still welcome. Next I'm going to work on a specification. -- Thorsten Wilms