In past experience I've run SC3 with the scsynth and sclang binaries. Now that I'm using an AMD64 machine that's all changed. The sclang interface will not work with x86_64, and I'm currently unwilling to set up a chroot for it.
Sorry, Dave. I have no personal experience with x86_64, but in the sc-users archive, Stephan Kersten does say: "you need to build sclang in a 32 bit chroot, some info on how to do that on debian is here: scsynth needs to be built separately for 64 bit, passing LANG=0 to scons. sclang can be run directly from the 64 bit environment:"
1. What GUI are you using for SC3 ?
I am using SwingOSC. I chose it for the amount of documentation (relative to SCUM or Puxeddu's GTK bindings) as well as, with the GUI class, being able to run a good deal of stuff done by Mac SuperCollider users. Hanns Rutz has been developing it pretty actively over the fall. He's been very responsive to any questions/problems I've had. He's also looking for developers to help the project move along.
2. What version of SC3 are you using ?
I built it from sources I downloaded in late July.
3. Will SCVamp work on AMD64 ?
I have not yet heard from anyone who has tried it in that environment yet, but I'd love for you to be the first :)
4. Does SCVamp replace sclang ?
Not at all. In fact, it requires it at the moment.
5. Are there any other replacements for sclang ?
There are replacements for sclang, such as Rohan Drape's stuff which I mentioned before: as well as Rutz's jcollider: I haven't heard of anyone using Psycollider on Linux (an implementation in Python, which is currently used to do SuperCollider stuff in Windows with SwingOSC as the GUI). Unfortunately, the only one of these that might work as an alternative to run my code is Psycollider. The rest would require me to rewrite (which I am somewhat considering, using rsc). Thanks for asking; let me know if I can help/encourage you more to get SCVamp running on your machine: Renick Bell