ROSEGARDEN 1.5.0 RELEASED The Rosegarden team are happy to announce the release of version 1.5.0 of Rosegarden, an audio and MIDI sequencer and musical notation editor for Linux. This release contains a number of new features, notably audio time-stretching support, and many usability improvements particularly in the matrix view. This is also an interesting release from a developer perspective, because the source code has been completely reorganised into a new directory structure with a far more consistent file naming and organisation scheme. Thanks to all involved with the project for their hard work on this tedious business. Finally, we have also changed the build system again, from scons to cmake. Please read the README and INSTALL files before building. Hopefully this should be the last change of this nature for the foreseeable future. Changes: * Add timestretching for audio segments (ctrl-drag the edge of the segment) * Add import and sample-rate conversion helper for arbitrary audio file types * Add helpful context help to status bar in track and matrix editors * Various improvements to the usability and friendliness of the matrix editor: do a better job of remembering settings, make the snap-to-grid behaviour more intuitive and pleasing, make better use of cursor changes, add quick-copy by dragging with Ctrl pressed, fix several bugs * Add tempo tapping to tempo dialog (thanks to FNPave) * Further fixes and enhancements to Lilypond export (thanks to Heikki) * New Invert, Retrograde, Retrograde Invert editing functions (thanks to Heikki) * Make transport window remember its previous location * More helpful warning dialogs on startup if something fails to start properly * Change build system from scons to cmake (thanks to Pedro) * Reorganise code into a new directory structure with a far more consistent file naming and organisation scheme (thanks to everyone) For more information about Rosegarden and what it can do for you, please see Rosegarden is Free Software under the GNU General Public License. Chris