Hi there! My first big success since I bought my BeBoB based audio interface: It works! :) I used the beautiful little audio distribution called ASork by Johan Mattson, which really embodies everything I could ever expect from a linux audio distribution. I expanded its use to Freebob and I will be feeding my experience back to Johan, so expect a perfectly usable live cd with the option of Debian installation with the power of Freebob! I am working to get the thing absolutely, rock solid stable to the point you can use your consumer-end PC as a live instrument and I will be testing it on road conditions. As of now, every few minutes or so, I experience a one-second XRun. I would like to invite anyone with expertise in eliminating XRuns and increasing Jack's performance to reply with measures I could take. Here are the exact circumstances: * ASork is a Morphix based LiveCD with realtimed kernel * I am using version 0.04, with the kernel of 0.02, due to a bug that causes a hard lockup (mouse pointer won't move, must hard reset system) when starting Jack with the Freebob backend. That is kernel 2.6.15 with the realtime patch; at this time it is unknown to me whether Johan applied other patches or whether they might be relevant. * ASork 0.04 is installed to disk, and expanded which packages from the Debian Sid repository, along with the FreeBob and Freebobified Jack packages from Debian Experimental. * there is a line 'none tmpfs /tmp/jack defaults 0 0' in /etc/fstab What can I do to make my system absolutely foolproof realtime? Thank you. Carlo