I talked to tech support for Lacie and apparently it works fine. They told me it was recompiled for Linux. They have them in London Drugs: http://www.londondrugs.com/Cultures/en-US/SearchDetail.htm?SearchString=lacie&CS_Catalog=Computers&CS_Heirarchy=Computers%3bDrives%3bCD+DVD+RW&CS_Category=CD+DVD+RW&CatalogNavigationBreadCrumbs=Computers%3bComputers%3bDrives%3bCD+DVD+RW&ItemCount=10&CountIndex=5 On Thursday 30 November 2006 1:03 pm, Marc-Olivier Barre wrote: > On 11/28/06, Timothy A Gorman <timg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Nox exactly audio related but to me it is... > > http://www.lacie.com/support/drivers/driver.htm?id=10095 > > If it works, I'll be the happiest man in the world... > __________________ > Marc-Olivier Barre, > Markinoko.