Sunday 19 November 2006 17:34, Fons Adriaensen: > Now using aux sends in this way is a pain in Ardour since > each send is in a separate window. It's a problem both > for effect sends and foldback mixes. This is IMHO one of > Ardour's design flaws. I wonder why this doesn't come up more often. It's obvious when you need to setup various headphone mixes: t tracks to m monitor/headphone busses gives you t times m send windows if you want to have them all at hand which is what I need usually. I don't think it's a design issue though. The current way Ardour shows sends is just one possible view out of many, i guess. Wouldn't Ardour's model allow for a sends editor that displayed all sends_to_same_destination in the same popup? ps: "foldback mixes": pps:Yves, "Ambience" is a decent reverb with eq ( -- Wolfgang