On Sunday 12 November 2006 15:05, Dave Phillips wrote: > Hi Nigel: > > Make a symlink from /usr/local/bin/chuck (or wherever it's located) to > /home/nigel/Breakage/chuck (or wherever Breakage is located). > > The form ./chuck indicates that Breakage (or Java) is looking for the > chuck binary in the current directory (which should be the Breakage > directory). > > Best, > > dp Hi again Dave. This is fun. The chuck symlinks didn't work in the Breakage directory, but I created one in the /home/user directory, and now the java complaints are gone, and running ./chuck on the CLI gives the correct response. Now breakage is complaining about a missing file "Channel.ck", which is there because I'm looking at it. Output below. [djmons@localhost djmons]$ /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_09/bin/java -jar /home/djmons/Breakage/Breakage2.jar [breakage.OscComm] Starting ChucK process... [breakage.OscComm] ER: [breakage.OscComm] IN: [breakage.OscComm] ER: [Channel.ck]: [breakage.OscComm] ER: [breakage.OscComm] ER: no such file or directory [breakage.OscComm] ER: [breakage.OscComm] END: 1 [breakage.OscComm] ChucK started, waiting for hello... Any further thoughts. Nigel.