> Methinks there is Somewheres (note the forced plural!) in your hardware > setup one or more pieces with bad shielding and/or bad grounding. The > problems might not be limited to cabling - they could be something > inside your hardware. Me thinksesss this beesss precioussss advicessssss. > A possible candidate - your fireware audio interface w/ microphone > pre-amp. It may be originating the hum in the first place, and the mic > pre-amp makes it really loud. I have the same problem going over the internal sound card, and it is more intense there. The odd part is, the lower the latency, the more intense the hum; and even weirder, I CAN EVEN HEAR THE HUM WHEN THE COMPUTER IS HOOKED UP TO SPEAKERS THAT ARE TURNED OFF. So you can actually hear the hum; it's just that whatever sound adapter is hooked up, firewire or interal, amplifies it. First I thought it was hard drive noise; but I tried putting Jack's tempfiles on a ram disk and that had no effect. Could it actually be that the CPU itself is causing electromagnetic effects because it has to work so hard? Curious. Carlo