Glenn Greenfield wrote:
david wrote:
Kjetil S. Matheussen wrote:
Kjetil S. Matheussen wrote:
jack_capture v0.3.9
jack_capture is a program for recording soundfiles with jack. Its
operation is to capture whatever sound is going out to your speakers
into a file. This is the program I always wanted to have for jack,
but no
one made. So here it is.
Changes 0.3.8 -> 0.3.9:
*Changed the -rt option name to -d, to be compatible with jackrec.
*Do not stop recording in case of disk errors.
*Replaced deprecated libsndfile functions.
*Added the --format/-f option. ("jack_capture -f flac", nice :-) )
(adding "-f w64" solves the 4GB limitation of wav files)
OK, downloaded the RPM, converted it with alien, installed it on my
Debian system. Trying to start it from a root command line gives message
"jack_capture: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory."
Jack is installed and works. Is there documentation for this program
that sounds like something I need, also?
I don't know of any RPM...
Installing jack_capture is very very though:
apt-get install jack-devel
apt-get install libsndfile-devel
Each of those lines gives me the messages "Couldn't find package"
I built jack_capture on my Debian Sid box with no problems. I have
these installed:
I did not have those installed. I guess those are the correct packages,
vs the *-devel ones mentioned above.
Compiled and installed here with no problems. Let the fun begin! 8-)
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