Hi, I've been using a shell scipt to load the various applications used for my projects and one of these applications is qsynth. As far as I can see, qsynth does not alow a configuration file to be specified, so I can't vary the sound fonts I use from project to project - please correct me if I am wrong, it will solve my problem. I turned to lash / fluidsynth combination but one of the fonts I use as multiple outputs (one for each drum). This worked OK in qsynth, I set each channel to the same prog / channel and the different drums would pop out of each channel as dictated by my qmidiroute config. I've been trying to do the same with fluidsynth but everythings coming out of the first channel. I use fluidsynth -a jack -C no -g 1 -o audio.output-channels=2 -o synth.audio-channels=13 -o synth.audio-groups=13 -o audio.jack.id=test -o audio.jack.multi=yes -R no -o audio.periods=2 -o audio.period-size=128 -o synth.verbose=yes -r 48000 /mnt/audioHD/SoundFonts/percussion/ns_kit7freesf2lite/ns_kit7free\ lite.sf2 to start the synth then select to set each midi channel to font 0. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers, Bruce.