st wrote:
I am going to put either Fedora Core, or AGNULA on a laptop that will be used for recording sound. Any comments?
After the audiodistro-war going on in my studio it finally boiled down to planet ccrma, after going through probably every distro with decent sound/multimedia support out there. It's not your fully-graphical-configurable desktop distro, but compared to many others there's a professional and solid feel to it, and it's got fully optimized kernels easily available. Most of enabling mp3-playback and other configuration must be done in the commandline, but there are many good faqs and guides for that, so you should get most of that working by just pasting commands from your browser.
I don't vote for either, but for me ccrma has worked out very nicely. -- Ringheims Auto - Fri musikk for bilstereo!