On Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 10:40:49PM +0200, Atte André Jensen wrote: > Hi > > I recently played a gig with my quartet, and we arranged with a mac-dude > that recorded the thing into his laptop/mac/logic. Today I received the > DVD with the files, and I have trouble loading them into ardour. > > they are 44.1K mono files in aif-format, and when simply converting them > with "sox file.aif -r 48000 file.wav" and importing them into an 48000 > ardour session I get all noise. I guess they're either 32bit or it's the > little endian issue (that I don't understand) or both. > > Here's what "file" has to say: > > atte@ajstrup:~/music/seq/jazz$ file audio_recording_041.aif > audio_recording_041.aif: IFF data, AIFF audio > > And on the same file converted as mentioned above with sox: > > atte@ajstrup:~/music/seq/jazz$ file audio_recording_041.wav > audio_recording_041.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, > Microsoft PCM, 32 bit, mono 48000 Hz AFSP is great for identifying and converting just about any audio file out there. i dont know why it doesnt get more attention, maybe it has a weird license or something ftp://ftp.tsp.ece.mcgill.ca/TSP/AFsp/AFsp-v8r2.tar.gz