I'd like to learn to use these software synthesizers.
I have heard Van Halen used Oberheim OS-XA on their
hit single "Jump", but when I tried to get the same
sound out of Bristol OS-X emulation, I couldn't get
any sound near that. But yes, I do understand, it's my
I would not say it is a fault anywhere. I have never had an OB-Xa to
actually get this sound out of, but I have also never spoken to any owner
who has been able to get "Jump" out of their synth either, everybody had
tried to and a few had at least come "close, but no bacon". When I was
writing this emulation I had sounds come out that were reminicent of Strange
Little Girl by The Stranglers, Greenfield being a big Oberheim fan, but I
will admit that I have not been able to get them back. The sound is out
there though. BTW, the bristol OB-Xa is two synths, no? There is an up/down
button to toggle between the two layers, and that will massively affect the
sounds being generated. The keyboard should also be in layer mode to double
up the sounds rather than have 10 note poly or split keyboard.
Regarding programme changes in Bristol, these are currently not implemented
either. Next major release.
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