Hi, I like your music! 2006/9/13, Robert Jonsson <rj@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:> http://spamatica.se/music/spamatica/default/spamatica_-_bloodsimple1.1.ogg> http://spamatica.se/music/spamatica/default/spamatica_-_preludium_to_armageddon1.0.ogg> http://spamatica.se/music/spamatica/default/spamatica_-_i_gotta_hand_it_to_you1.1.ogg While all are great, could you post lyrics and chords on this one?This song is amazing...
http://spamatica.se/music/spamatica/default/spamatica_-_ddb3.ogg> http://spamatica.se/music/spamatica/default/spamatica_-_one_minute_jazz.ogg> http://spamatica.se/music/spamatica/default/spamatica_-_xper1.5.ogg
My technical ear says that most of them (all?) have to much bass,probably in the 150-200Hz section. I compared it to some Eric Claptonsongs (which tend to have a lot of bass) and yours where a littledistracting.While the bass might be okay for the electronic stuff it is (in myears) to much for the jazzier songs... Anyway, thanks for sharing your great music! Arnold -- visit http://dillenburg.dyndns.org/~arnold/---Wenn man mit Raubkopien Bands wie Brosis oder Britney Spears wirklichverhindern könnte, würde ich mir noch heute einen Stapel Brenner undeinen Sack Rohlinge kaufen.