I just bought an Antec P180B case. Very nicely put together. Much quieter than before, although some fan noise still escapes from the top and back vents. I covered the top vent with the breakout box from the EWS88MT. That works quite well. It's big, and heavy. Not the kind of thing you want to be taking to a gig. I can still hear the hard drives when they're working, but just barely. The noisiest component in there was the chipset fan, which I've unplugged - motherboard temp is sitting at 34 C so it's a cool case as well. Now it's the CPU fan, the servers-in-progress in the room next door, the Alesis monitor amp which does the 50Hz Tango, and the ringing in my ears. Hmm. Maybe some good earplugs will fix that :-| My keyboard sounds more clackety than before as well. Which is good, I guess. I still think the fanless Zalman TNN cases are the ultimate (from the website Note : TNN500A's noise level is below 20dB and cannot be measured. The anechoic room used by ZALMAN has an ambient noise level of 20dB. ). But waaaay expensive. bye John