Hallo, Stephen Cameron hat gesagt: // Stephen Cameron wrote: > Interesting idea, though I'm not sure adding random delays > really "humanizes" things. Humans, even bad musicians, don't play randomly "wrong", so it is indeed not exactly humanizing to just add some random deviations. How to really humanize is an ongoing debate. One interesting concept in this regard is described in the work of Jeff Blimes and in his concept of the "Tatum". A short introduction is this paper: http://ssli.ee.washington.edu/people/bilmes/mypapers/icmc93_paper.pdf Blimes also did listening tests with various approaches on humanizing including random, Gaussian variations. These were rejected by most listeners as "sloppy" and "random" and this approach according to his paper is the worst one to "humanize". Ciao -- Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__