2006/6/27, David Baron <d_baron@xxxxxxxxxx>:> > where i can find out how to set the "LASH_START_SERVER" variable?> type something like> export LASH_START_SERVER=1> or place in /etc/profile or such. Isn't that cool? There s a new mechanism which allows starting serverslike jackd or lashd if they are needed. It is meant to help beginnerswho don't know how to automate via scripts and don't know about allthe different dependencies of the apps and servers. And the only way to make that work is to set a variable either on theconsole or by editing hidden files in your file-manager. And itinvolves knowing about shell-scripts. You just gotta love that! Arnold -- visit http://dillenburg.dyndns.org/~arnold/---Wenn man mit Raubkopien Bands wie Brosis oder Britney Spears wirklichverhindern könnte, würde ich mir noch heute einen Stapel Brenner undeinen Sack Rohlinge kaufen.