I'm curious if there would be interest in organizing a free equivalent to the major symphonic orchestral libraries? I've read that the EW/QL Symphonic Orchestra cost 1.5 million to record, master etc. The obvious big costs are the orchestral players, the orchestral recording hall, and the sound engineers time and equipment. My thoughts are that the orchestral players and hall there are two options - see if an orchestra and its hall would be willing to donate playing time, or to use a professional orchestra in a country where the cost for the players and hall time is drastically lower. For the first option possibly one of the orchestras affiliated with an academic instution might be a possibility. For the second I suspect that China, India, and Russia, for instance all have a number of quality professional orchestras that might be hired for prices significantly below what an EU or US orchestras would cost. For funding perhaps contact the instructors at each College/University (there are 2600 in the US). If there is a target funding goal, set things up as individuals agree to contribute x$ once y% of individuals agree to contribute - so say if the goal is half a million and the minimal contribution is 200$ once 2500 people agree to participate then everyone donates. Perhaps seek a matching funds agreement with Carnegie Mellon foundation or such. Is this something of interest? Tom M. LetterRip