Hi, I'll do a concert at May 18 2006 as part of the Scene NRW: Baltics festival. It will be an evening with literature and music, where besides me the Latvian writer Pauls Bankovskis will read and Selfish from Lativa will do a DJ set. All this will happen at the Elektra bar in Cologne, Germany. I will perform an extended version of the stuff I did at the Linux Audio Conference 2006, which means lots of physical modelling with [msd2D] and [msd3D] for visuals and sound in Pure Data. Some more info, pics and URLs at http://footils.org/cms/show/53 I still haven't found a good name for this performance. Code name always was: "Faltig" but today another name occured to me with may be even cuter: "Einstürzende Bauklötze". Or maybe not. Ciao -- Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__