Hello! I've one question about linuxsampler and one plea for a new feature. 1. Can linuxampler read and use .gig-files which include instruments bigger than 2GB? 2. Could you probably think about supporting a new sampler-format. I thought of something simple: You have a text-configuration file and a lot of samples (.wav, aiff... etc), which could probably done by libsndfile. I thought it would be simple to implement something like it. I mean .gig-files and all other formats also consist of those two parts: a) samples b) configuration-data. The only thing is that it is separated. thus these instruments can be created by any linux-user without a problem or special software. The text-config-file could be done as simple-text or with a simple xml-based dtd. What do you think about it? Would it be possible? Would you think it's a fine idea, worth implementing? And would you probably be so kind as to spare the time doing it. Unfortunitely I'm much to dumb writing it. Kindest regards Julien -------- Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles) ======== FIND MY WEB-PROJECT AT: ======== http://ltsb.sourceforge.net - the Linux TextBased Studio guide