Lee Revell wrote:
On Wed, 2006-04-12 at 20:58 -0400, paul wisehart wrote:
On Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 08:32:04PM -0400, Lee Revell wrote:
Is there an easy way to get the songs off the iPod under Linux?
I've used gtkpod to get songs off of ipods with both apple and windows
formatted ipods, and then used faad/lame to make mp3s.
(If the songs are stored as mp3, then obviously no conversion is needed.)
Thanks! I was under the impression it was harder. Isn't it impossible
under Windows without a specialized app to mount the partition with the
audio files and copy them to your hard drive? Was that just a silly
iTunes/driver restriction?
Actually it was a little easier than that for me since i have a complete
gnome2 instalation with dbus, hal and gvm (gnome-volume-manager). then
the iPod is automatcally mounted in /mount/ipod. all you have to do is
point gtkpod to it with its menu options and whalah. I even opted to
have gtkpod automaicaly open when the iPod is pluged in, and it unmounts
the iPod when i close it. and they say linux isn't user friendly. ;-)
( is it just me, or is gtkpod 10x faster than iTunes? )