Hi Tim,
tim hall wrote:
Hi Eric,
Asbjørn Sæbø wrote:
On Fri, Mar 24, 2006 at 09:25:16AM -0500, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote:
I just want to add that I think there's room and need for another
layer of support programmer/developer/code-maintainer to serve as a
buffer and conduit between users and upstream developers. As has been
said, this is often the distro maintainers' job. It's where I think I
see myself heading and is the role I'm currently playing at RFA. I
don't think I'll ever have the ability to keep on top of bleeding
edge development the way developers like Lee do. On the other hand I
think (hope?) I have the aptitude for, and certainly know I have the
interest in, acquiring the skills needed to help service that middle
ground between the bleeding edge and a stable end-user platform.
DeMuDi could most certainly use you in such a role.
Yeah, I might put it a bit stronger than that. :)
Please consider joining:
I've been lurking there for some time. I would very much like to have
much more time to participate than I currently am able to give. :(
We seem to be building a 'Debian multimedia strike force' or something
like that here. Debian actually has a relatively small number of
multimedia/audio devs and it is necessary for non-DDs to take on a
considerable amount of the work. Debian-multimedia can effectively
co-maintain or sponsor NMUs, which I think is what we're doing with the
new version of Rosegarden4. It's early days yet. Debian-multimedia seems
to be a good meeting point for DeMuDi, UbuntuStudio and pure Debianites
to work from. There is some very interesting potential here and it would
be great to have you on board.
It would be great to be on board. I'm hoping that after LAC2006 my
schedule might open up a bit so I can dedicate more time to the
community. I can't promise anything, yet, though, much as I would like
to ...
-ERic Rz.