Sup Rob! I know that the words 'think out of the box' will get me a high winner among bullshit bingo players, but that's exactly what I'm about here. Point one: This is NOT a record label trying to contract musicians. We are in the internet age, distribution can be automated. We need ways to do this. This is about helping every musician be his own record label. You are right (or at least, I agree with you, for what that's worth) that the song sells and the tools used can be a romantic extra. That's why 'made with linux' has been seperated from this campaign and has absolutely nothing to do with it. This is about distributing music using automated means (currently, the Internet) ONLY, bypassing all record labels. I don't like the idea of labels, and labels for records are no exception, and you can bet I'm not going to be the guy to create another one. These are marketing tools for independant musicians (not musicians dependant on 'independant' labels). The music I make now isn't worth dike yet, but I know it will be, and I take pride in keeping myself unsigned, and I believe strongly using the Internet for distribution will let me become as rich as the quality of my music permits. Point 2: Re can-o-worms What you call 'can-o-worms' is effectively self-perpetuating marketing. Whole organizations can grow this way WITHOUT CENTRALIZED LEADERSHIP/CONTROL. This is the future. Banner advertising is according to my marketing studies the least effective form of advertising in existence. Why? Linear leverage. Place one ad, get so many clicks, place more ads, get more clicks... But money is made (always providing the product is GOOD) using EXPONENTIAL leverage. Sell my re-salable song to one guy. He happens to be a biz dude, he adds some value or gives my song away with his product. Two of his customers do the same. People wonder who wrote the song. They come to my site to buy merchandise and get more songs directly from me, some of which they might re-sell. And why? Because I take people seriously, treat them as equal business partners, give them opportunities and the possibility to share. AND, because I do NOT annoy them with banner ads that get louder and squeakier by the minute. And, I should add, without spending a dime on advertising, while allowing people to make LOADS of money off my products (if they are good). All the gratitude this leverages (people GET greatful when you treat them well!) could save me millions of dollars worth of PR campaigns later in my career! This is business for the people, NOT a new record label that turns musicians into children and executives into their 'sensible daddies'. No pointy-haired-boss, but tons of money. Legit. That's the dream man! And I'm bringing this one to reality or dying trying. You should use these labels :) It's an experiment, of course... But I know this one will work. I just do. Trust me. Your soon-rich-musician Carlo