Hi gang, new to the list, please be gentle :) I just installed DeMuDi, and to be honest, I'm a bit of a n00b so far as music goes, other than being able to play bass and guitar (which, in my opinion, don't expose the player to much of the musical world so long as they can read guitar tab). So anyway, I've been messing around with SpiralSynthModular a bit, since I didn't like the constriction of sample-based synths, and I'm basically having trouble stringing together a chain. Indeed, I feel that I'm falling at the first stumbling block. I can get output from SSM, but it's only a very loud, constant tone. I've got my midi input hooked up to an oscillator (I think this is where my problem is) and then my oscillator hooked up to my jack output. I'm guessing that my problem is that I'm pumping midi data into something designed for... something else? I dunno. If someone could tell me which pieces do what, or point me in the right direction, it'd be a great help :) Sorry if this gets asked a lot or if I've missed something blindingly obvious (like a manual ;) ). -- Joe Jones -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GIT/MU d-- s+:-- a-- C++ UL+ L++ E---- W++ w M t(++) 5++ tv D++ e+ h-- ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------