Josh Lawrence wrote:
On 3/10/06, Cesare Marilungo <cesare@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
But, how can I create my own Gigasamples, or what else are they called? Is
there only Windows software?
MHO: There's no point in wasting your time. There is a vast
commercial market of fine samples out there to be had, and I don't see
See, that is *exactly* what is wrong with the Windows world of music.
Some of us remember the Bad Old Days of the mid-80s, when every second
track you heard on the radio entirely consisted of standard Linn drum
samples and factory DX7 patches.
I don't know about anyone else, but I almost never use factory samples,
with the notable exception of the strings and piano samples for my
Ensoniq Mirage. Everything else is created from scratch. Well, maybe I
nick the odd breakbeat, but even at that I'd prefer to sample it myself
so that any treatments fit correctly around the track I'm working on.