> found what I believe to have been the command I used in the form of a > shell script but I get the following errors: > > sox: Do not support unsigned with 16-bit data. Forcing to Signed. > sox: Invalid options specified to avg for this channel combination > > #! /bin/sh > sox -r8000 -t ub cdda.ub -t wav -c 2 -w -r44100 output.wav resample .95 avg 1,1 I think the first message is just a warning. The latter is the error, saying you can't use "avg 1,1" in this case. Try removing that entry since the sox manual claims "If the avg effect is not specified on the command line it will be invoked internally with default parameters." And if I understand the manual correctly avg is only used to reduce the number of channels, not increasing it. If the file sounds corrupt then perhaps it is corrupted during the capture. I sometimes have to convert a 16kHz mono wav to 44.1kHz stereo and I use "sox in-16kHz-mono.wav -c 2 -r 44100 out-44kHz-stereo.wav" Also check your sox version. The latest seems to be 12.17.9 - Peder