Loki Davison wrote:
On 2/18/06, Renato Fabbri <renatoftato@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I received a list of cool audio apps. I am passing on
to share and so I can get some comments (want to know
your favorities):
Audio editors (a la cooledit):
Audacity - http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
Snd - http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/software/
Multichannel recorder (a la protools):
Ardour - http://ardour.sourceforge.net/
Graphic programing (a la max):
PD - http://iem.kug.ac.at/pd/ e
Sequencers (a la cubase ou logic):
MusE - http://muse.seh.de/
Rosegarden -
Synthesis (a la csound):
Csound :-) http://csounds.com/
Effects (??):
ecasound - http://www.wakkanet.fi/~kaiv/ecasound/
jack rack - http://pkl.net/~node/jack-rack.html
freqtweak - http://freqtweak.sourceforge.net/
Algorithmic Composition:
CommonMusic -
AthenaCL - http://www.flexatone.com/athena.html
server for real time apps
jack - http://jackit.sourceforge.net/
Where you can find everything in linux made for audio:
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Apart from ardour, jack and sometimes muse this list includes nothing
i actually use.
Where is seq24, sweep, om, whysynth, etc. Guess different things for
different people...
Ecasound is becoming one of my favourite music apps. And I've just
discovered the great Sooperlooper.
Also Muse is very promising.