It's occured to me that installing the kernel from Demudi stable on Debian might be a nice easy way to get all my kernel tweaks without even needing to recompile. And thanks to the way the kernel and the userland in Linux are so relatively version independant of one another (something not so true on other UNIX flavors), that should be quite safe, too. It made me wonder though -- since Demudi is built from Debian, what would be the issues with inporting lots of other packages useful to musicians as well, while still keeping the system essentially Debian? Do a lot ("a lot" meaning a destabilizing amount) of non-music-related packages from Debian get superceded by Demudi versions when you add the Demudi Apt repositories to the sources.list of a sarge machine? Are any of you currently doing something like that? Just wondering... I'm sure that even as there have been many MIDI and recording apps in sarge that surely would not have gotten there without Demudi, there are probably still others that either never made it or have newer versions in Demudi than what sarge gives you. I just don't want to make my system unmaintainable by mixing distributions like that on a really massive scale though... Once you get newer versions of really critical things, it can be almost like committing yourself to running sid/unstable -- no easy way back. -- + Brent A. Busby, UNIX Systems Admin + "It's like being + + James Franck / Enrico Fermi Institute + blindsided by a + + The University of Chicago + flying dwarf..." +