October wrote: >Sounds good! > >What are you using for a microphone and recording >enviroment? How about PC hardware and software? I'd >be happy if I could get my live recordings to sound >that good! > >Best, > >Jon Hoskins > > Thanks.. Mic is a Peavey MT400 I think...Condenser Studio mic. Straight into a phantom power unit and into the Delta 1010LT and Ardour. Environment as far as recording space is a 12 by 14 cubby hole in my garage with nothing special done to it. Audio box is an Asus Mobo with Barton XP 2500 proc, 1 gig ram ran headless with XDMCP from several different machines to get more Desktop real estate. At that time Mdk 10.1 and thacs packages. Used SWH compressor (SC-4) and Jamin to master. Only fx were Ambience VST for reverb and some LADSPA eq (TAP plugs) for Guitars and bass. Laid down the acoustic first then bass and last lead guitar. R~ >--- Russell Hanaghan <hanaghan@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > > >>Time to stick my heart on my sleeve I guess! >> >>Instrumental only...Titled "Sunday Arvo" >>Why....er...Cause it was >>recorded on a Sunday arvo! I did this back in Ardour >>Beta 28 I think in >>about 3 hrs. Very simple and lots of rough edges. >> >>Song is posted in Mp3 (sorry) format on the LAM page >>as well as here... >> >>http://hanaghan.mystarband.net/Sunday%20Arvo.mp3 >> >>Let me know what you think. >> >>R~ >> >> >> > > >----------------------------------------------------------------------- >In a world without walls who needs gates or windows? > > --unknown > > > > >______________________________________________________ >Yahoo! for Good >Donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. >http://store.yahoo.com/redcross-donate3/ > > > >