Hi Norv, I watched the video but didn't have time to configure my system to handle audio. I think it's awesome that you used linux tools to do this. Nice Job! ron --- norv <norv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi all, > Here's a link to a short movie I made called "Daisy > Hill". I did the > music as well. > http://www.longforest.com/index.php?set_albumName=Daisy&option=com_gallery&Itemid=&include=view_album.php > I shot the movie on my digi still camera in movie > mode and edited it in > Cinelerra on debian-amd64 sid. > I used Hydrogen for the drums, Ensoniq ASR10 sampler > for bass and > trumpet, and guitars thru ASR10 as pre-amp. > Recorded in Ardour. Movie sound mix in Cinelerra. > The web movie is 2:18, 8.2MB, Windows Media > compatible > I didn't spend too much time on the music as the > audience was impatient. > I transferred the 320x240 10fps web clip to PAL > 720x576 48kHz stereo and > burned it to DVD with a menu etc. > The quality is quite good considering the original > format. > Cheers, > Norv > __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http://mail.yahoo.com