Greetings! My name is Sean Edwards. I have used Linux on my desktop at home since 1997. My computer career started in 1993, and I have done System Admin work since earning a Novell Certification in 1995. In 2002, my career became Linux focused on a full-time basis. I have done both contract and full-time work in Chicago, Dublin Ireland, and now Omaha. I learned to play guitar 30 years ago, and took a break from it for 10 years when I started my family. Before the kids came along, I used to do sequencing on a 486 DOS computer, connected to external MIDI equipment. For years, the only Linux audio I used was for ripping and creating CD's. Last year, I discovered the Planet CCRMA project, and was a lurker on that list for several months. This Autumn, I decided to get back into computer music and I find what is available for Linux to be overwhelming! Here is my equipment list: Yamaha TX81Z (2) Alesis MIDI Data Disk Alesis HR 16 Drum Machine Yamaha MJC8 MIDI Junction Controller Alesis 1622 Mixer A.R.T. MultiVerb Behringer V-Amp Pro Behringer UltraTwin The computer is an AMD K7 500Mhz, 768MB RAM, VooDoo 3D AGP Video Card, and a 20GB hard drive. My previous employer provided me with a PowerBook G4 with 1GB RAM, and Garage Band could not play more than 3 synthesized voices simultaneously. My 6 year old desktop does more music with Linux than Garage Band on a newer PowerBook! The software I mostly use: Qjackctl Rosegarden4 Qsynth Hydrogen Ecasound -=Sean Edwards=- __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005