On Tuesday 24 May 2005 14:44, M P Smoak wrote: > And it works; a 10 minute .rez file is about 100 meg, a shows > an large difference in loudness between the local and remote > callers, as expected. This difference can be reduced by using > rezounds "adaptive normalize" tool (under the Normalize menu) > with NL = -20dBFS, WT = 205ms and MG = 25dB. The resulting > file is very useful (good enough). > > But it's too big. Saving it as a .ogg file with quality = 4 > gets it down to about 5 meg, I think. So the question is > what's a good way to shrink it down? And how small can I get > it, assumeing a 100 meg .rez file? And what type file will it > be that is easily platform independent, so that all team > members will keep (or have access to) a copy for their > records? Small is better for attaching to email, ie voicemail. Well, I guess it's bad practice to reply to yourself, but I ask again: What's a good way to shrink it down? And how small can I get it, assuming a 100 meg .rez file? And what type file will it be that is easily platform independent, so that all team ... ?