Ivica Bukvic <ico@xxxxxxxx> writes: > Greetings all, > > I guess title says it all. I do have working examples (i.e. the sequencer > example from the LAD 2004) that make new instances of synths but none of them > actually do real-time updates to existing instances. > > At any rate I would greatly appreciate your help in this matter. > > This is as far as I got and cannot figure it out beyond this point (my brain > is pretty darn fried :-): > > s = Server.local.boot; > > SynthDef("onetwoonetwo",{ arg out=0, freq; You are tripping over a common Client-Server-Architecture misunderstanding here. The code inside a SynthDef is only executed *once* at the client side to construct the Synth graph. You can *not* set variables insides a SynthDef from client side GUI objects directly. What you actually want is: * A synthDef with arguments which represent the values you want to change. * A client side GUI with callbacks that *set* the server-side Synth arguments on update. I will try to illustrate, but I dont use SCUM, so its untested, but I am pretty sure you'll get the idea: SynthDef("onetwoonetwo",{ arg out=0, freq=440; Out.ar(out, SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, 0.5) ) }).send(s); n=Synth(\onetwoonetwo); w = SCUMWindow.new; w.title = "Slider example"; w.initialSize = Size(20, 300); c = SCUMVBox( w ); v = SCUMSlider(c, { |v| v.expand = 1; v.fill = 1; v.bgColor = Color.white; v.fgColor = Color.black; v.action = { n.set(\freq, (v.value * 100)+400); }; v.doAction; }); w.show; -- CYa, Mario