Has the RT-rlimits patch been merged into the 2.6.12-rc4 kernel? FWIW, I compiled and installed this kernel on debian-pure64 box. Made edits in /etc/security/limits.conf giving audio a rt_priority of 80. Just running pam from debian-pure64. I can start JACK in realtime mode -R as root but as normal user I cannot start JACK using -R flag. If I start JACK as root other apps complain. Debian Q: What line do I put in /etc/apt/sources.list so I can apt-get the source for the patched pam from http://steamballoon.com/pam/debian-testing/ as described by Lee below? > Since you're running pure64, my packages (which are i386) won't work for > > > you. The easiest thing for you is probably to get the sources from > > > http://steamballoon.com/pam/debian-testing/ and rebuild the debs for your > > > system. > > You have to get the source like this: > > apt-get source package-name > > Then cd to the directory that is created, and run > > dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot > > Please see http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ch-build.en.html. > > Lee I have tried various things but apt-get update complains about not finding Sources.gz in the tree. Cheers, Norv