tim hall wrote: "One of the problems with the hammond is that you would need a separate sample for each key, to get the proper vibrato of each tone-wheel and a good leslie is hard to fake. I'm not saying it's utterly impossible, but it would take a sample bank as finely engineered as the original instrument. And no, I've never heard the hammond transfered to CD without losing some of its power, although the tone of a real instrument generally does shine through." More like a seperate sample for each tonewheel. The mixing can be done afterwards, otherwise you would need to sample every drawbar position as well. I've got an l122 valve tonewheel hammond and two leslies, a leslie valve one and a transistor sharma. I have to say that pretty much any keyboard can do a pretty good hammond simulation if you put it through a real leslie. One of my faves is a dx7. You can get a decent click and drawbar effect using the oscs. You gotta give beatrix a go. It's the nicest hammond on Linux IMHO. The leslie sounds great, and it can go really heavy and distorted if you like that kind of thing. http://www.dsv.su.se/~fk/beatrix_home.html It's also really worth playing with the LADSPA swh impulse convolver plugin. Guitar amps sound really good on hammond! Also the TAP preamps are nice. A bit of fuzz and grit+limited freqency range and odd resonances really brings it to life. The one thing no midi hammond can ever do is the way different tones come in at different times as you press down the key. This means you can kinda flick the keys and just get the top drawbar to plip a little and the percussion to ping.