On Fri, 18 Mar 2005, Dubphil wrote: > I couldn't resist to re-intagrate the new version of ecasound into my setup. > So I have running : > > - jackstart -R -dalsa -dhw:1 -r48000 -p256 -n3 > - ecasound -a:1,2,3 -i jack -a:1 -efb:500,400 -o jack -a:2 -efb:1000,600 > -o jack -a:3 -efh:1300 -o jack > > if I want to run MuSE Ecasound escape with this message : My guess is that MuSE stops the transport and that causes ecasound to stop processing and exit. You can try the following: 1) add -G:jack,notransport to ecasound's command-line ...or... 2) add -c to ecasound's command-line to run it in interactive mode --> will not exit when transport is stopped by some other app; you need to initially start processing with "start" command in ecasound -- http://www.eca.cx Audio software for Linux!