On Wed, Mar 16, 2005 at 01:58:25PM -0500, Rob wrote: > Anyway, at least wx-based apps aren't openly modern-desktop-hostile > like, say, cinelerra or snd. whats wrong with Snd? You know you can build it to use Gtk2 now as well as motif? I'm a Gtk advocate, and afaik Snd is pretty much the only audio editor which uses Gtk2. Its a real shame to see otherwise excellent editors like Rezound not reach their full potential because of their choice of ugly widget toolkits. For me personally, I have yet to see a crossplatfrom widget tookit be used really successfully - they just look odd, sometimes for subtle reasons. (Although i must say that XUL comes close, despite its speed, and that only because of the genius who made the Mozilla Modern theme.) -- Tim Orford