Would anyone care to comment as to whether this means it's okay to redistribute this document, or not ? "INTERNAL USE ONLY" could be a showstopper. A LICENSE IS HEREBY GRANTED TO COPY, REPRODUCE, AND DISTRIBUTE THIS SPECIFICATION FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. NO OTHER LICENSE EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED OR INTENDED HEREBY. And, regardless of the status of (re)distributing the document itself, has anyone got a feel for the openness, or not, of the specification outlined within this document ? Is it ultimately a waste of time to use this sf2 standard in conjunction with perpetual open source projects ? If it is not open enough to take advantage of then is there any truly open soundfont-like standard anywhere on the planet? The rest of it is here... http://www.soundfont.com/documents/sfspec21.pdf --markc