Hi Anahata, I don't know, but to me it seems this playlist should work, and there is no protection whatsoever. The only thing I see it that the hostname in the URL is not correct. I went to the page you mentioned, looked at the embed tag, and downloaded the m3u. $ wget http://radiobritfolk.co.uk/billboard/PL_217.m3u (The number seems generated, and only valid for a while) I look in the m3u and see URL's like: http://www.limbocreatives.co.uk/britfolk/billboard/BB_178_Vikings.mp3 However: $ host www.limbocreatives.co.uk Host www.limbocreatives.co.uk not found: 3(NXDOMAIN) So I make a wild guess, and do: $ wget http://radiobritfolk.co.uk/billboard/BB_178_Vikings.mp3 And I download the mp3 without a problem. (And I listened to it, and deleted it right away, because this music gets on my nerves instantly ;-) ) If the URL's in the m3u would have been correct, I am sure that clicking on the m3u (if that would have been an option) would have opened xmms for me. And I am pretty sure that even the embed tag would have worked if I would have had the mplayerplug-in installed. mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net But I, for one, _hate_ websites that unadvertitely start playing sounds. Anyway, I think the best solution for streaming music from a website, is icecast. It will stream (but it will not stop anyone from grabbing that stream). But, of course, e. j. branagan comment is totally true. (It's often refered to as the "analog hole"). If you can hear it, you can record it. maarten