The day a vanilla kernel is "enough" will be the day that linux audio is a vital piece of the "real market" I have been waiting for that time to come for years.... I have always used audioslack.. that helps with the "patching" fiasco... but dumping apps on a boxed distro will rule..... In general I still find myself gravitating tward nuendo.. I need to stop that soon ;) BTW I'm getting married today ;) > Hi, > > > I wonder if a vanilla 2.6.12 is enough for realtime use. > > If so, which options need to be set in the kernel config and > which system configuration work needs to be done? > > I just built one but I get a lot of xruns. Or is it still > recommended to patch the kernel? > > Any hints are much appreciated, even RTFM with a pointer to > TFM :) . > > > Best regards > > > ce > -- When asked the definition of "pi": The Mathematician: Pi is the number expressing the relationship between the circumference of a circle and its diameter. The Physicist: Pi is 3.1415927, plus or minus 0.000000005. The Engineer: Pi is about 3.