[linux-audio-user] Newbie Linux user Struggling with MIDI

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I did as Paul suggested in qjackctl and set the frames/period to 2048.
Same error.  At 512 frames per period and below qjackctl seems to run 
fine.  Above 512 I get the same errors that jack server cannot start.  
Still no evidence of anything hitting the soundcanvas.  Qjackclt
gave me the options of hw:0, default, and hw:1.   The latter gave me the 
heinous error message popup, former 2 did not. 

BTW  - alsaconf is not at all installed, nor appears available.  My 
synaptic package manager informs me that I do indeed have alsa-utils,
looking at the properties/dependancies the file alsaconf falls under the 
category of :
Conflicts: alsaconf
Conflicts: alsaconf-0.4
Replaces: alsautils

for what it's worth.


Phil J.

>>but it wants me to log in as root (not as sudo su) and I
>>don't  recall the password I set...arrg!
>...and enter the root passphrase, then type /sbin/alsaconf.
>OTOH, Paul Davis threw in that it's not an ALSA problem but a 
>JACK one. Try setting the parameters on the command line or 
>in qjackctl as he recommended instead of running alsaconf.
>BTW: Never forget the root password! But before you reinstall: 
>there are ways to reset the root passphrase...
>Best regards
>    ce

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