> If you are new to linux audio, I would suggest get > Audacity from Planet > CCRMA, import the songs (ripped off your existing > CD) into Audacity > (probably one at a time), use Audacity's "Normalize" > or "Amplify" effect > and maybe play with one of the compressors in the > plug-in lists (I've > used the "Dyson Compressor" to get a file that just > almost touches 0 dB > in the loud parts and is nice and "fat" looking. > You will have done a > very quick and dirty mastering job that should make > it sound lots better > in your CD player. It sounds like he needs to master and neither normalize or Amplify will give you anything near the control that JAMin is designed for. ron > Mike > Mike Jewell > One-Up Audio > > > > ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs